What is the main objective of having The olympics? Answer: This policy has two main objectives: • it strives to promote Olympic Games which respect the environment and meet the standards of sustainable development. • it also aims to promote awareness among and educate the members of the Olympic family and sports practitioners in general of the importance of a healthy environment and sustainable development. It is based on the principles enshrined in the The Olympic Charter (Chapter 1, The Olympic Movement and its Actions: Mission and Role of the IOC): • to encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues, to promote sustainable development in sport and require that the Olympic Games are held accordingly; and • to promote a positive legacy from the Olympic Games to the Host cities and the Host countries. The IOC policy also finds its roots and scope in the Olympic Movement's agenda 21 which is another major reference document in this field.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Work + Swagger= BROKE!!!!!

We're going to start this blog off with a Big Ups To Everyone Who Helped out on the Foot Hill Mixtape! Couple Shouts out to Chad, Kel, Erion and Dwayne my Domino playing peeps and Melissa Woodley For being the best friend a person can ever have! Oh, And gotta mention the Squishy!

Alright, now that is out the way! I hit my followers with a funny topic this time around. Being broke!! We're all accustom to it, It is that feeling that none of us want to accept. Yet we walk past broke people everyday, some more obvious then others. Today i help you put on your "BS Shades" (Shades That Help You See Past BS) and see the world of "Broke'ness". 

The Homeless Person) You know, the person that you pretend not to see. The one that hasn't showed and worn the same cloths for God knows how long. You don't even need your "BS Shades" on to see that they are broke. I ask, Why do they appear invisible to the rest of the world? Of course we have our good Samaritans that are doing there part! But i ask what have you done lately? If the society we live in is balling like we claim we are. Would it really hurt to spare some change? When the last time you spared some change to the invisible?

The Swagger Jacker) We've all seen this person, the one who doesn't know who he/she is. So to blend in they steal everyone's else identity. They're the ones that dress like you, talk like you, hangout in the spots you do. Yet never have any money! They spend what little money they get on trying to "Fit In". Therefore the only path this title leads too in BROKE!

The Clubber) Haha, this one is my favorite! They seem very outgoing and like their doing it big! To a point they have got the routine of looking successful down, yet how come you never seem them during the week? I'll tell you why, They are being responsible and working! They stack their chips with a part time job and stay well groomed, a mirage so to speak! As soon as they receive that paycheck its off to the mall to grab a new fit, then up in the club looking like a baller! If only they put that much effort into school, they'd be an straight student! But because they spend most of their time finding ways to convince you how important they are! The ends to this means is B-R-O-K-E!!!!!! BROKE!!!!

The Sucker) Now i have sympathy for this person, i use to be one! We've all met one, the person that spend all his/her money on "LOVE"! Quick to fall and even faster to by a gift! Now there's nothing wrong with the occasional dinner outing, Flower here and there or treating to a movie! But this person goes the extra mile, spending every dime, nickle and penny to impress! The term that a pimp would use is a "TRICK", and once someone figures you out they will suck you dry! Once again another dead end that leads to the dreaded Status of "Broke-Ness" !!

I find that being yourself and knowing what you want out of life usually is the best route. When your focus and determined, impressing people ceases to exist ! Instead of trying to fit in, why not appreciate yourself? I guarantee you meet more genuine people this way! and at the end of the day less likely to be broke! HAHAHA

Main Objective 

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