What is the main objective of having The olympics? Answer: This policy has two main objectives: • it strives to promote Olympic Games which respect the environment and meet the standards of sustainable development. • it also aims to promote awareness among and educate the members of the Olympic family and sports practitioners in general of the importance of a healthy environment and sustainable development. It is based on the principles enshrined in the The Olympic Charter (Chapter 1, The Olympic Movement and its Actions: Mission and Role of the IOC): • to encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues, to promote sustainable development in sport and require that the Olympic Games are held accordingly; and • to promote a positive legacy from the Olympic Games to the Host cities and the Host countries. The IOC policy also finds its roots and scope in the Olympic Movement's agenda 21 which is another major reference document in this field.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Lupe Fiasco Thought About Committing Suicide??

Lupe Fiasco has put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into his upcoming 'Lasers' album.

The project was once rejected by his label Atlantic, he tried getting released from the label, fans organized a rally/boycott to get the album put out, now finally, on March 8, it will see the light of day. More Inside Link....

There are still some battle scars left on the Chicago rapper, even if you can't see them.

In a recent interview with Details, Lupe talks about contemplating suicide while trying to get this album out. He even raps about it on the song "Beautiful Lasers."

"If you feel like you don't want to be alive, you feel just like I am," he raps.

A lot of his frustration stemmed from the fact Atlantic wanted him him to be something he's not. Trying to force poppy, syrupy records that might be fine for other artists but not Lupe down his throat.

"The creation of Lasers was a very painful, dark, f*cked-up process," he says. Adding that he definitely thought about suicide if only to prevent himself from "from killing somebody else,"

Creatively, Lupe knows his limits and what he's capable of musically even after Atlantic rejected his album initially for not being pop enough, he stayed on course.

"I don't know how to do what Kanye does," he says "I don't have that Midas touch."

He does however have the ability to make great songs that his fans enjoy.

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