What is the main objective of having The olympics? Answer: This policy has two main objectives: • it strives to promote Olympic Games which respect the environment and meet the standards of sustainable development. • it also aims to promote awareness among and educate the members of the Olympic family and sports practitioners in general of the importance of a healthy environment and sustainable development. It is based on the principles enshrined in the The Olympic Charter (Chapter 1, The Olympic Movement and its Actions: Mission and Role of the IOC): • to encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues, to promote sustainable development in sport and require that the Olympic Games are held accordingly; and • to promote a positive legacy from the Olympic Games to the Host cities and the Host countries. The IOC policy also finds its roots and scope in the Olympic Movement's agenda 21 which is another major reference document in this field.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Booty Make's The World Go Round...

Need i say more?? I mean even a woman can appreciate a nice booty like that yo.. More pictures inside

Hundreds killed in tsunami after 8.9 Japan quake

TOKYO – A ferocious tsunami unleashed by Japan's biggest recorded earthquake slammed into its eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it carried away ships, cars and homes, and triggered widespread fires that burned out of control.
Hours later, the tsunami hit Hawaii but did not cause major damage. Warnings blanketed the Pacific, putting areas on alert as far away as South America, Canada, Alaska and the entire U.S. West coast. In northeastern Japan, the area around a nuclear power plant was evacuated after the reactor's cooling system failed. More Inside

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Work + Swagger= BROKE!!!!!

We're going to start this blog off with a Big Ups To Everyone Who Helped out on the Foot Hill Mixtape! Couple Shouts out to Chad, Kel, Erion and Dwayne my Domino playing peeps and Melissa Woodley For being the best friend a person can ever have! Oh, And gotta mention the Squishy!

Alright, now that is out the way! I hit my followers with a funny topic this time around. Being broke!! We're all accustom to it, It is that feeling that none of us want to accept. Yet we walk past broke people everyday, some more obvious then others. Today i help you put on your "BS Shades" (Shades That Help You See Past BS) and see the world of "Broke'ness". 

The Homeless Person) You know, the person that you pretend not to see. The one that hasn't showed and worn the same cloths for God knows how long. You don't even need your "BS Shades" on to see that they are broke. I ask, Why do they appear invisible to the rest of the world? Of course we have our good Samaritans that are doing there part! But i ask what have you done lately? If the society we live in is balling like we claim we are. Would it really hurt to spare some change? When the last time you spared some change to the invisible?

The Swagger Jacker) We've all seen this person, the one who doesn't know who he/she is. So to blend in they steal everyone's else identity. They're the ones that dress like you, talk like you, hangout in the spots you do. Yet never have any money! They spend what little money they get on trying to "Fit In". Therefore the only path this title leads too in BROKE!

The Clubber) Haha, this one is my favorite! They seem very outgoing and like their doing it big! To a point they have got the routine of looking successful down, yet how come you never seem them during the week? I'll tell you why, They are being responsible and working! They stack their chips with a part time job and stay well groomed, a mirage so to speak! As soon as they receive that paycheck its off to the mall to grab a new fit, then up in the club looking like a baller! If only they put that much effort into school, they'd be an straight student! But because they spend most of their time finding ways to convince you how important they are! The ends to this means is B-R-O-K-E!!!!!! BROKE!!!!

The Sucker) Now i have sympathy for this person, i use to be one! We've all met one, the person that spend all his/her money on "LOVE"! Quick to fall and even faster to by a gift! Now there's nothing wrong with the occasional dinner outing, Flower here and there or treating to a movie! But this person goes the extra mile, spending every dime, nickle and penny to impress! The term that a pimp would use is a "TRICK", and once someone figures you out they will suck you dry! Once again another dead end that leads to the dreaded Status of "Broke-Ness" !!

I find that being yourself and knowing what you want out of life usually is the best route. When your focus and determined, impressing people ceases to exist ! Instead of trying to fit in, why not appreciate yourself? I guarantee you meet more genuine people this way! and at the end of the day less likely to be broke! HAHAHA

Main Objective 

Lily Allen Embarressed Over Documentary!

Lily Allen has tweeted a message to fans asking them to avoid watching her forthcoming Channel 4 documentary because she is “embarrassed” by  it.
She explained:
“Just a couple of things, some of you may have read about a T.V show called “Riches to Rags”( title not my idea) airing on tuesday next week.We started filming it a year ago and I feel like a completely different person that the one that features in the programme.I feel inclined to ask you not to watch it cause quite frankly I am embarrassed. On the other hand I want you all to watch it so you can see how the press coverage of it has been totally sensationalised and quotes taken out of context.”
‘Lily Allen: From Rags To Riches’, air son March 15 at 10pm on Channel 4

Miley Cyrus Gets "Gangsta" On a Black Paparazzi?

Miley Cyrus gets furious with a paparazzo outside of California Chicken Cafe, after he bumps into Miley's mom, Tish while trying to get a shot. Miley grabs his camera as says, "You just rammed my mom with your camera. Don't you ever do that again, you just almost hurt my mom. Don't you ever even think about it"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cutie Of The Day....

Eucina is on of the most beautiful down to earth people you can meet, a good friend and honest person.
While most guys find her beauty intimidating and assume her to be unapproachable, she's the complete
opposite. Check Out At Facebook.. More Pic's Inside....

Eliminating $1 Bills Could Save Billions?

Washington has come down with a case of fiscal fever as the Obama administration proposes everything from spending freezes on domestic programs to selling off unused government property to bring the budget back in line. Now, one study argues that the government can save billions of dollars simply by making a change to the currency itself.

Earlier this month, the U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a formal proposal to the Treasury and Federal Reserve noting that if it eliminated the $1 bill and replaced it with the $1 coin, the country could save roughly $5.5 billion during the next 30 years. The reason, according to the agency's report, is that dollar bills have a shorter lifespan than dollar coins because they wear much faster, which in turn requires the government to spend more to print new bills. More Inside..

Batman Gears Up to Fight Mystery Villain

Comic book fans and cinemaphiles have a common question on their lips today: Who will be Batman's new nemesis in the 'Dark Knight Rises'?

Speaking to E! Online at the premiere of 'Red Riding Hood,' Gary Oldman, who plays Commissioner Gordon in the Christopher Nolan-directed superhero reboots, revealed, "I think it's a villain from one of the old, old, from way back from the old comics." Read More Inside....

To The Oddville Fan...


After watching the movie "Blind Side", I've come to realization why i've hit a ceiling. Potential, charisma, talent and intelligence have only gotten me so far. Support has been a major ingredient missing throughout my entire life, no strong connection to a family, in a constant battle of loving myself, teaming up with individuals with more insecurities then myself, have held me back. Through these struggles and other life obstacles i've had to endure, I've made some tough terrible decision. Without the proper support, mentoring and guidance, I have tarnished my name and brought shame to my reputation. 

In the beginning you believed in me and fought for my trust though I had a guard up. You were the handful of people in my life that supported and believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. I made a terrible mistake taking advantage of your trust and disrespecting you with my bad choices. I apologize for my ignorant decision, and really mean it from the bottom of my heart. 

“A bad experience can be a good one, if you learn from it” –Mel Gibson

Over the Past couple of years I’ve made huge strides in my growth and maturity. I’ve learned true understand meant of finances, relationships, consequences, hard work and making the right decision no matter the circumstance. I’ve developed a stronger work ethic, learned to plan and stick to the steps. A lot of this is due to your investment of time, love and patience with me. 

One thing has discouraged me as of late. I’ve noticed that earning your loyalty back, you’ve made a more difficult task then anticipated. I understand I hurt you, and I’m owed nothing in life. Which was a harsh reality that was thrust upon me, real eye opener. But if I’ve learned anything from you, it’s to give things my all. You’ve stuck with me this long and have helped me to become a man. Who knows where I’d be if you hadn’t come along. But I ask you to see your investment through.

I have the opportunity of a lifetime to accomplish my dreams in this year of 2011. Working on the proposal has developed a strong foundation for my success to be achievable. I need to focus, which is a difficult task without the proper environment or basic support. My Haters don’t understand my determination and have become distractions that are easily over looked, I need to be around business minded people that are going to keep me motivated such as you.

So please, please I beg of you to consider. Be an oddville fan, a real supporter! not just someone that pats me on the back, then talks behind it. If you can do that for me, I promise you great things from Oddville From here on Out!!

Much love,

-Main Objective

Watch: Nelly’s ‘Behind The Music’

Nelly’s episode of ‘Behind The Music’ aired on VH1 last night. Chronicling the rise, fall, and re-ascension of the St. Louis star, the show detailed his former drug hustling past, to making it big, the tragic death of his sister, Ashanti, and much more.
A great watch, I must say. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO!!!

Eminem's Mini-Documentary - "Recovery Of Detroit"

Eminem takes you behind the scenes of his life in Detroit and how his life changed when he went through his "Recovery" state.

"This is how I decided to live my life and I'm never going back."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

WTF, Charlie Sheen Really Drinks Tiger Blood?

If it were even possible to be more frightened for Charlie Sheen, now would be the time. The recentlyunemployed Sheen headed to the rooftop of the Live Nation building with "goddess" Natalie Kenly yesterday after he reportedly had a meeting there. Read More Inside...

Monday, March 7, 2011

NYPD Helicopter video of 9/11 attack surfaces

A newly released video shows the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attack from the vantage point of a NYPD helicopter.
According to Gawker, the National Institute of Standards and Technology requested the 17-minute video through the Freedom of Information Act, and the video was sent anonymously to the secret-sharing website Cryptome, which posted it. The Institute investigated the 9/11 attacks.
A warning to readers: The video, posted below, is difficult to watch--and voices on the soundtrack can be heard cursing as the horrific attack unfolds.

Inside Megan Fox's Struggle to Gain Weight

Megan Fox looks pretty thin in her recent ad campaign for Armani--but don't worry, says her trainer, Harley Pasternak, she definitely doesn't have an eating disorder. In an interview withHollywoodLife.com, Pasternak reveals that the 'Jennifer's Body' actress really struggles with gaining weight.

"Do I worry about Megan getting too skinny? Yeah!" Pasternak said. "Believe it or not she has this really fast metabolism," Pasternak continued. "So her training is all about body toning and sculpting. With her its really about she's eating enough of the right things. People thought 'Oh she must be anorexic' but she's far from that!"

More inside...

Ummm What?? This Gum Will Make Your Breasts Bigger?

        In today’s when desperation sets in news.  According the company website:
During puberty, the female body naturally produces estrogens that promote the development of new tissue. These hormones determine the size, shape, and fullness of a woman’s breasts. Lower levels of these hormones result in smaller, less developed breasts.  What most women do not realize is that 80% of underdeveloped breasts are the result of imbalances in hormone levels. ZOFT Fulfill Gum helps balance the hormones and stimulate breast growth.
With this powerful mixture of herbal ingredients, women find that within five to eight weeks their mammary glands have been reactivated, spurring the development of breast tissue and yielding fuller, firmer breasts (some women may experience this within as few as four weeks). Within three months of use most women experience growth in their cup size: ½ to 2 cups is common; continued use may produce growth of up to 3 cup sizes. Let’s be frank – differences in body chemistry and metabolism make it impossible to provide a universal timeframe for development of larger, firmer breasts.
Are you buying this?

Subway Is The NEW McDonald’s!?

Subway has now passed McDonald’s as the world’s largest restaurant chain, they now top Ronald McDonald 33,749 to 32,737.  “We remain focused on listening to and serving our customers, and are committed to being better, not just bigger,” a McDonald’s spokeswoman said.
You guys are eating a lot of sandwiches!

The ‘Bravest Woman In Mexico’ Wants Out Of Mexico?

20-year old college student and mother Marisol Valles Garcia who took a job no one else wanted as mayor of Praxedis G. Guerrero, Mexico has been suspended today after taking time off from work after receiving death threats. Marisol’s predecessor had his head (without his body) left outside of the police station last year and many are already speculating that she’s fled the country and is seeking asylum in the United States. Video Inside....

Kylie Breaks Down Talking About Cancer Battle!

Kylie Minogue broke down while discussing her battle with breast cancer during an interview with Australian television.
The singer had been discussing an encounter with a sick child’s parents when the memory became too much for her

Eva Mendes joins forces with Reebok

The stunning Eva Mendes joins forces with Reebok, celebrating Reeboks new clothing line and footwear designed to help body toning. Light weight in love with this chick yo..

Cyndi Lauper Keeping It Positive...

Cyndi Lauper helped calm angry passengers Friday at Buenos Aires Airport, by performing an impromptu sing along.
Cyndi still just wants to have fun!